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Linux DCE, CORBA and DCOM Guide

There is a rich selection of implementations of
for Linux, including one that is focused on real-time operation,
two more on fault-tolerance, and another two aimed at embedded
systems. If these features are not important to you, but
Microsoft's name is, then take a look at DCOM & ActiveX for
Linux. Yep, its available!
Technologies Similar to CORBA
- DCE,
short for the Distributed Computing Environment, is a technology
that is a bit older than CORBA, but a good bit more stable and scalable.
Not only does it offer the basic RPC mechanisms and IDL stub compilers
needed to create distributed applications, but it also offers security &
authentication through Kerberos (an area that still exhibits weakness in
CORBA). Unlike CORBA, it is not a ground-up redesign of the principles of
distributed computing, is rather a tightly integrated package of existing
technologies. Quietly but powerfully popular in true large-scale,
enterprise-class applications, its the package of choice for the big boys.
FreeDCE is a port of
DCE to Linux
and is now in beta. Please note that the use of Kerberos
is restricted outside of the US, due to US encryption export laws.
Note also that the distribution of pre-compiled binaries is made
difficult by these same issues as well as a license restriction.
To use FreeDCE, you must be prepared to compile it yourself.
DCE FAQ provides a good overview of what DCE is, how its used,
and how to use it.
- DCOM/ActiveX
- Microsoft's
DCOM & ActiveX for Linux is being ported by
Software AG
and is available for beta-testing. Software AG,
better known as the makers of the AdabasD SQL database,
has a deal with Microsoft to support DCOM on a variety
of Unix OS platforms. (Note: the Software AG web site
is not only difficult to navigate, but is also frequently
reorganized. If you can't find the Linux DCOM beta,
Note: DCOM is *not* CORBA compliant, and it doesn't even try to be.
In fact, its pretty much totally and completely different. It
is listed here because it provides some of the features that
CORBA provides, and because Microsoft is attempting to market it
as a competitor to CORBA. Note that the popular industry analyst
position is that DCOM is not as advanced as CORBA, nor anywhere
near as robust or stable.
DCOM and CORBA Side by Side, Step by Step, and Layer by Layer
provides just what its title suggests. Thorough and detailed.
- RPC's, PVM, Java-RMI
- There are a variety of other distributed technologies not
covered here, but deserve mention. RPC's (Remote Procedure
Calls) are the intellectual grand-daddy of CORBA and DCE,
and are a standard part of the GNU C library. Because
RPC facilities are installed be default everywhere, RPC's
may well be ideal for the task.
is collection of projects that implement the RPC protocol
in XML, thus allowing for the easy debugging of network
sessions. There are
XML-RPC implementations for most popular programming languages
and environments.
(Parallel Virtual Machine),
MPI (Message Passing
(see also
LAM-MPI (Local Area
are used in the scientific community
to solve large memory and cpu-intensive numerical simulation
problems. PVM, MPI, and their relatives and cousins don't seem to be
used by the general business computing community.
Note, however, that the new high-performance cluster-computing,
SAN-fabric VIA
message-passing architecture is slowly gaining ground in the
business world, and is available on Linux in the form of
Unfortunately, a bit kiboshed by Microsoft, though.
Sun's Java-RMI (Remote Method Invocation)
is more-or-less a commonly available part of Java, familiar to
all Java programmers. It will
someday soon
inter-operate with CORBA by supporting CORBA's IIOP protocol.
CORBA Packages
- AdaBroker (New Listing!)
- AdaBroker is a
set of tools and libraries for developing
applications in the Ada programming language.
It provides an IDL parser, Ada code generator, the
CORBA-defined Ada mapping support packages.
AdaBroker is released under the GPL.
- ORBit
- ORBit is
the ORB of choice for the
Gnome project. In particular,
it is notable and laudable in its attempts to have very high
performance when used locally, and to have a small footprint.
The decision to pursue the development of ORBit came after
poor experiences with three of the ORB's listed below. One
proved to have an unacceptable licensing restriction for
the GPL'ed Gnome project, another proved too fat and slow,
and a third was missing critical "C" language bindings.
Of course, your reasons for choosing one package over another
will be different than those driving the Gnome decision, and
so the rejected packages shall remain unimpunged.
Note, however, if you are doing GUI programming in Gnome,
and want to write graphical plugins or controls, this will
be the ORB that you use. Includes a variety of services,
such as OAF for naming, and Bonobo for easy-to-use document
and GUI programming interfaces.
- OmniORB
- OmniORB
from Oracle & Olivetti has an explicit Linux port. Features a
C++ IDL, uses IIOP and the IIOP has been tested with other ORB's,
is multi-threaded, has a COS name server.
OmniORB Source is GPL'ed.
MICO, the recursively named "Mico Is COrba", implements a
C++ IDL, DII, DSI, IIOP, IR, a full BOA, a name server, support
for "Any" types, support for loadable modules. Includes a
graphical IR browser. Source is GPL'ed. Pre-compiled versions
are available. Current work focuses on a WinNT port.
- mico/E
is an extension of mico for the Eiffel programming language.
- ORBacus (OmniBroker)
- The ORBacus (OmniBroker) from
Object Oriented Concepts, Inc.
offers Java and C++ IDL mappings, as well as IIOP, DII, DSI
(Dynamic Skeleton Interface),
COS, IR, nested method invocation, Dynamic Any. Has an
IDL-to-HTML converter for documentation. Supports threads.
Includes naming service GUI. Third party
tools include a COS Trading Object Service and a scripting language.
Supports C++ threads. Source code is available. Free for
non-commercial use, commercial use requires a license.
Full support contracts offered.
ORB from
Paragon Software is unique in that it supports Objective-C
bindings,and is thus suitable for use with NeXTStep/GnuStep.
Supports IIOP, BOA, DSI, DII, IR, COS. Includes extensions
for fault tolerance and load-balancing, among many others.
OAK is a commercially supported product; they offer a free
trial evaluation period.
- The
COOL ORB form Chorus
has design features, such as a small footprint (50KB),
real-time behavior and synchronization services, that focus
on use in embedded systems. Fully CORBAv2 compliant, offers
IIOP, DSI, DII and IR. Inter-operates with the other Chorus
embedded/real-time products; unlike most other ORB's listed
here, this one is commercially supported. N.B. Chorus has been
acquired by Sun.
- The
ILU (Inter-Language Unification) ORB from XEROX.
The latest version includes support for IIOP, kernel threads,
encryption, and "Any". Includes IDL compilers for C++,
ANSI C, Python, Java, Common Lisp and Modula-3. ILU also
includes a self-contained implementation of ONC RPC,
making it possible to use existing RPC services as ILU
objects. ILU also includes a self-contained implementation
of HTTP, allowing CORBA-based web servers and browsers to be
developed. (Highly customized, non-generic web servers
are becoming increasingly popular in embedded and
special-purpose applications.) Code is available as freeware.
Beware of the down-level code located on the Linux
Sunsite (
repository; go to the main site for newest code.
- Arachne
- Arachne
springs out of an effort to develop reusable components
for the medical domain; the effort continues and is evolving.
Thus, this is not only an implementation; its an implementation
in active use by the developers themselves.
Arachne runs on a variety of platforms, including 95/NT, Mac, SunOS,
HP/UX, but Linux is the primary development platform.
It includes a C++ ORB with DII, IR, Any, TypeCode, and
IIOP. It includes a subset of COS, and an application
development support framework with GUI compnenets. Note,
however, the IDL language mapping is
currently non-standard.
Since this ORB implementation predates CORBA-2 and some work
remains to update it. IIOP has been tested against Visigenics
and ORBacus (OmniBroker).
A python-based application authoring environment is in development.
- The
TAO (The Ace ORB) is a research vehicle for defining
real-time extensions to CORBA. TAO includes an enhanced
C++ IDL compiler, a BOA, and an implementation of standard
IIOP on TCP/IP that has undergone limited interoperability
testing with ORB's from several vendors. More importantly,
it includes RIOP (Real-time IOP) extensions to GIOP,
implemented on ATM and multi-gigabit hardware. It also
includes deterministic real-time event service, a real-time
dispatcher/scheduler and an ROA (real-time object adapter).
TAO is affiliated with the
ACE (Adaptive Communications Environment), a project
that has experience with real-time communications in
telecom and avionics environments. The code is currently
(Sept 97) alpha-level, and runs on Linux, Solaris, and NT.
- Electra
- The Electra
Object Request Broker provides V2 CORBA support, including
BOA, DII, a Tcl/Tk DII, IIOP, a fault-tolerant COS name server,
a GUI availability monitor, and an event channel for C++/Java,
allowing objects to subscribe to information servers.
One of Electra's strong suits are its emphasis on fault-tolerance
and high-availability; includes support for reliable multi-cast
& synchrony. Electra is not yet (Sept 97) very stable on Linux.
- COPE is an ORB written
entirely in Perl. It does not provide an IR (Interface Repository),
but can use third-party tools for that purpose (such as ORBacus (OmniBroker)).
- JacORB
- The JacORB
is a CORBA ORB written entirely in Java. Provides a Java IDL
compiler, supports threads, IIOP, IR, a COS compliant name service,
and an alpha-level implementation of the COS Event service.
Reported to run well under Linux, and to be more standards-compliant
than some of the big-name CORBA products. Free, under GPL.
- Jorba
- Jorba
is a CORBA implementation written entirely in Java. It includes
the ORB, DII, DSI, and an IDL compiler. The web page states
that this is alpha-level code, with many functions missing. It
is provided in source form under GPL.
from ExpertSoft offers
a CORBAv2 implementation written in Java. Includes support
for a Java IDL compiler, IIOP, DII, Any and typecodes. The licensing
terms are not entirely clear, but it seems to be freely available
for any use. Not clear if its been tested on Linux, but should
work. Support contracts offered.
- JavaIDL
- The
JavaIDL is a snapshot of SunSoft's Java IDL compiler.
Includes a generic ORB core. Ability to run under Linux is
uncertain, requires porting ??. May require integration with
an ORB core??
- Jylu
- Jylu
implements the Xerox PARC ILU CORBA core in Java. Includes a
Java IDL compiler. Does not talk IIOP, but does talk the ILU
wire protocol (Sun RPC protocol??)..
- Fnorb
- The
Fnorb is an experimental ORB written in Python. It does not
provide an IR (Interface Repository), but can use third-party tools
for that purpose (such as ORBacus (OmniBroker)).
(RPC and Object Broker Interface) implements a subset of
the CORBAv2.1 spec. Supports an IDL and DII, does not
currently support IIOP. Deployed in, and focuses on data
acquisition and control systems, including embedded computers.
- DOME from
Object Oriented Technologies
offers threading, callbacks, async operation, location
brokering, as well as network monitors & tools.
Strengths: runs on a large variety of platforms, and supports
many different networking protocols. Weaknesses:
This is a pre-CORBA 2.0 ORB, and thus the programming
interfaces and protocols are proprietary and non-portable.
OOT offers a free version for Linux. The licensing terms
are less than clear: although commercial redistribution appears
to be prohibited, commercial in-house use appears not to be.
- Bionic Buffalo
- The Bionic Buffalo
offers a basic ORB w/ C bindings. This is a commercial product;
A free version of the ORB, stripped of IIOP, is planned.
CORBA Services
CORBA Services
are implementations of specific interfaces defined by the
These include things like security, persistence,
transactions, query, object trading, naming, events, concurrency control,
and collections. More services are being defined regularly.
Relatively few of these have yet to appear in commercial products,
much less in Open Source or Freeware form. Some of the basic service,
such as naming and events, are often included with the base CORBA
implementation, and are noted above where applicable. The listing
below is for stand-alone implementations.
- JTrader
- JTrader is
an implementation, in Java, of the COS Trading Object Service.
Traders are objects that know about services: unlike using the
COS naming service to find an object by name, one can use a trader
to find an object by the type of service it offers. Comes with
graphical tools to manage the service type repository, the service
offers, and for performing queries. Requires ORBacus (OmniBroker) for
operation, should be (easily?) portable to other ORB's.
Implemented in Java, under the GPL.
Examples, Tutorials (New Section!)
A few intro examples to programming with corba. Highly incomplete.
Pushes my own efforts.
- Gnome-Bonobo
- Examples of programming with Bonobo in the gnome environment
can be viewed at
Include samples of a simple echo server, a compound document,
and a GUI control.
- Bonobo-Hello-World
- Here lies a tar file containing
a simple 'hello-world' type client-server implementation using
bonobo, oaf and gnome. This is about as basic as you can get
in the gnome-bonobo world. It just sends a simple string
message from the client to the server. Note that this code is
straight-C, not C++ or Java or anything.
Browse individual files here
- corba-perf
- Here lies a simple C++ hello-world
example, done up in in basic plain-vanilla corba, for the
OmniORB, OmniBroker and Mico ORB's. Discussed further
in the 'performance' section below.
Below follows a description of my personal experiences with some of
these packages. I am not a testing & evaluation laboratory.
I am a fallible individual, and cannot avoid subjective comments.
Your actual experiences will vary. Recently (October 97),
I tried to download and use some of these; the experiences are
not all positive.
- DCOM/ActiveX
- Not Attempted. I really am interested in Corba and Java RMI,
not by also-rans. I am also frustrated by Microsoft's by
turns juvenile and malicious behavior. Concern has also
been expressed that support for Linux/Unix will fade away
after an initial flurry of activity, leaving developers
with no choice but to migrate to Microsoft platforms.
This concern is enlivened by the fact that the Linux "beta"
has been that since before October 97 -- an awfully long time.
- OmniORB2
- This is my initial favorite. Comes pre-compiled, installs
easily, and it works. Comes with several simple "Hello World"
examples, together with documentation for the examples,
that are just right for the novice CORBA user. Gets you going and
fast, gives you the feeling that you are in command, and can
start being productive creating corba apps.
One important strike against OmniORB2 is the lack of support for
some of the more advanced features like DSI and DII. However,
(1) they're working on it, and (2) chances are good that you
won't need these features until you start getting to stratospheric
complexity levels in your application.
- Doesn't come pre-compiled, and thus requires you to build it.
This leads to build problems for the unwary. In my case,
I have a rather mangled (ahem, "highly modified") Linux system
due to years of hacking. As a result, I experienced build
problems, all of which I was eventually able to overcome
by upgrading to recent versions of gcc, g++-devel, and
binutils. For those who experience similar problems:
a strong recommendation to upgrade to a newer
g++-devel package (you need the newer header files in
Built MICO. Expect over an hour on a P133 ...
this package, w/examples, is huge.
Now, moving on to things that I enjoyed:
- The use of a shared library is nice ... this keeps the
executables considerable smaller than they might have been.
(100KB for MICO, as compared to 750KB for OmniORB2).
- Comes with a pile of example code, starting with the absolute
basics (see demo/account, then demo/account2, etc). Great!
I can actually understand this!
- The nice thing was that the mailing list was quick to respond
to my requests for assistance.
- ORBacus (OmniBroker)
- Doesn't come pre-compiled, and thus requires you to build it.
This leads to build problems for the unwary. In my case,
I have a rather mangled (ahem, "highly modified") Linux system
due to years of hacking. As a result, I experienced build
problems, all of which I was eventually able to overcome
by upgrading to recent versions of gcc, g++-devel, and
binutils. For those who experience similar problems:
a strong recommendation to upgrade to a newer
g++-devel package (you need the newer header files in
Like OmniORB2 and MICO, ORBacus comes with some nice and
easy to understand examples. The "hello world" example
is nicely documented in the the postscript documentation,
although it would have been nice to see a few comments
embedded in the source, directly.
The nice thing was that the mailing list was quick to respond
to my requests for assistance.
- Doesn't come pre-compiled, and thus requires you to build it.
The build worked, but the documentation is horrific.
Feeling emboldened by my success with OmniORB, I dived right
in, and hit a submerged rock. There are no beginner examples
that I could find, and the documentation was less than helpful,
throwing around big words and big concepts that immediately sent
me scurrying out of the pool. Hey, I have a PhD, and twenty++
years of programming experience, and oodles of intestinal fortitude.
If I can't hack this, who can?
This is unfortunate, since ILU offers the broadest language support
of all the packages. The tutorial program is reasonably well
documented, although quite obtuse, with it's factories and all.
Yes, I know what an object factory is, but given how dramatically
different the tutorial is from the other CORBA implementations,
it makes me wonder if any code developed on ILU would ever have a
chance of being ported to a different CORBA implementation.
(A reader wrote in to remind me: ILU is not CORBA, its an ORB with
CORBA support. This means that while the same concepts may apply,
the actual philosophies and approach can be quite different.)
- Haven't gotten around to trying this yet.
- Didn't try this. The web site states that this is alpha code,
and I am not ready for that.
- Electra
- Didn't try this. The author of the code stated that it wasn't
stable on Linux, and doesn't use Linux as a development platform.
This scared me off.
Overall Comments
One frustration that I see right away with CORBA is the instance
that it use the CORBA types, like CORBA::Long instead of "long",
or CORBA::String_var instead of "char *". While this may be what
the CORBA standard calls for, and possibly more precise than the
somewhat loose C++ types, it certainly does make the code harder
to read. And readability is extremely important for building
simple to use & debug systems.
The three packages OmniORB2, ORBacus and Mico were put
through a very simple "Hello, World" interoperability test.
A simple server was written; the server can echo back whatever
string is sent to it. Similarly, a simple client was
written that can contact the server, send a message and
receive a reply. Differences in implementation between
the three different packages were surrounded by #ifdef's
so that a single source could be compiled for all three
ORB systems.
Examining the sources, it becomes obvious how nearly-identical,
and yet pervasively different each of the packages is. Most
frustratingly, ORBacus chooses to implement the CORBA
namespace as CORBA_ rather than CORBA::. Although this
is technically the more correct solution (arguably the only
correct solution, see footnote),
it leads to broad source incompatibilities with the other
implementations. OmniORB2
implements a few extensions to support threading, which is nice,
but unfortunately requires the use of the extensions to
operate. Mico appears to be the most standards-compliant.
The code can be browsed here, or
downloaded as a tar.gz here.
All three implementations passed the inter-operability
test. Each of the three clients were able to talk contact
and exchange messages with each of the three servers. Anything
less would have been unacceptable, as this is the whole point of
IIOP. Note that this test was extremely simple & basic:
Not only are the server and client bare-bones minimal, but
also the COS naming services were not tested: the stringified
IOR was passed in a file.
The performance of three different CORBA implementations were
compared on a simple "Hello World" application. The code
can be examined here and can be downloaded
as corba-perf.tar.gz here.
This code is interesting not only for measuring performance, but
also for comparing the differences between different implementations.
A quick survey will show how similar, and yet frustratingly different,
the two implementations are.
The following results were obtained on a Pentium 133
w/ Linux 2.0.30 kernel & gcc,
OmniORB2 version 2.2.0,
ORBacus version 2.0b4,
and Mico version 0.93b3,
in October 1997:
CORBA millisecs compile time binary size
Implementation per call (seconds) (kiloBytes)
OmniORB2 0.80 26 752
ORBacus 1.10 70 2100
Mico 4.20 60 102
Note that these measurements were taken in October 1997, and may no
longer be valid.
Clearly, OmniORB2 holds both the raw performance record,
as well as the compile time record. Note that both
ORBacus and OmniORB used statically linked libraries,
while Mico uses a shared library. This results in both
smaller binaries for Mico, as well as possibly affecting
performance. One reason why the ORBacus binaries are
considerably larger is that ORBacus includes considerably
more function than OmniORB. I believe that OmniORB
can be built as a shared library, and, by the time you
read this, ORBacus will be as well. Note: the
shared-library version of ORBacus results in binaries
in the 100K ballpark, and improves performance nearly ten
percent, probably (almost certainly) due to improved cache
hit ratios.
Many readers have written in to note that ORBacus
can be compiled as a shared lib. Try the following in
CXXFLAGS= --no-implicit-templates -fhandle-exceptions -Wall
ARFLAGS= -shared -o
and in the shell,
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="`pwd`/lib:`pwd`/idl:`pwd`/naming:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
The above table shows performance for a client and server
running on the same machine. The table below shows
performance over the network. One of the network machines
is an Intel 486DX4 w/ Linux 2.1.26, the other a Pentium-133
with Linux 2.0.30. Both machines have cheap NE2000 10Base2
Ethernet cards. The column labelled "fastclient" has the
client running on the faster machine, and "slowclient" is
------ NETWORK PERFORMANCE ---------
CORBA milliseconds per call
Implementation local fastclient slowclient
OmniORB2 0.80 2.30 2.30
ORBacus 1.10 3.00 3.15
Mico 4.20 8.50 7.90
Note that in all of the network tests, CPU usage did not
exceed 60%, indicating that the performance is bottle-necked
in the Ethernet hardware. Note that the 2.1.x series of
kernels are reputed to have significantly improved TCP-IP
Disclaimer: performance is something that almost all
implementors care about, and performance measurements are
by necessity dated. The above tests were performed in
October 1997, and newer versions may have significantly
improved performance characteristics.
Important Note: Before making rash assumptions
about the relative performance of these ORB's, please note
that some (many?) commercial implementations appear to be
a full order of magnitude slower than Mico!. See, for
example, the
JacORB Performance Comparison. The figures there indicate
a ten-millisecond ping time for some popular commercial packages,
which is very surprising, given that the above tests are not much
more than a ping, run on slow machines with bad Ethernet cards.
See also a hint that Linux holds the
world speed record for CORBA.
A thorough,
scientific investigation of CORBA performance
is being performed by D. Schmidt.
Currently, Only the egcs-1.1.1 compiler supports namespaces;
GNU C++ versions 2.7 and 2.8.1 do not. Unfortunately, egcs is not (yet)
widespread or widely supported. Lack of namespace support puts
a constraint on how the CORBA spec is interpreted, and how
it can be implemented. What many (most) CORBA implementations
do in the face of this compiler limitation is to
map CORBA modules to C++ classes (instead of C++ namespaces,
as they should have). This leads to a technical violation of
the CORBA spec. Consider the example:
module A {
interface X { void xxx(); };
module B {
interface Y : A::X { void yyy(); };
module A {
interface Z : B::Y { void zzz(); };
This example breaks any implementation that confuses classes with
namespaces. Let's consider the code that would be generated:
class A {
class X {
void xxx();
class B {
class Y : virtual public A::X {
void yyy();
class A { // oops -- re-declaration -- a C++ syntax error
class Z : virtual public B::Y {
void zzz();
This problem cannot be solved with a smarter IDL processor,
since the various modules may be defined in different files,
and not be compiled at the same time.
An example of a more technically correct implementation,
the one which ORBacus uses, is:
class A_X {
void xxx();
class B_Y : virtual public A_X {
void yyy();
class A_Z : virtual public B_Y {
void zzz();
This implementation is supported in the CORBA spec:
3.13 Names and Scoping
An identifier can only be defined once in a scope. However,
identifiers can be redefined in nested scopes. An identifier
declaring a module is considered to be defined by its first
occurrence in a scope. Subsequent occurrences of a module
declaration within the same scope reopen the module allowing
additional definitions to be added to it.
Thanks to Marc Laukien of Object-Oriented Concepts, Inc.
for clarifying this.
Last updated October 2001 by Linas Vepstas
Copyright (c) 1996-2000 Linas Vepstas.
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