OTL 4.0, OTL defined exceptions

OTL defined exceptions

The following OTL exceptions can be raised by the OTL stream functions:

Code=32000: Incompatible data types in stream ope ration

Code=32001: Row must be full for flushing output stream Code=32003: Not all input variables have been initialized Code=32004: No input variables have been defined in SQL statement Code=32005: Input string value is too large to fit into the buffer Code=32006: Input otl_long_string value is too large to fit into the buffer Code=32007: PL/SQL table size is too large (>32767) Code=32008: Writing CLOB/BLOB in stream mode: actual size is greater than specified Code=32009: Closing CLOB/BLOB in stream mode: actual size is not equal to specified size Code=32010: CLOB/BLOB stream is not open for writing

Code=32011: CLOB/BLOB stream is not open for reading

Code=32012: First session must be started with session_begin()

Code=32013: Invalid bind variable declaration

Code=32014: No stored procedure was found

Code=32015: Unsupported data type

Code=32016: Unsupported procedure type

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