OTL 4.0, OTL Long String class

OTL Long String class

This class is used in operations with Large Objects (LOB). In OTL 4.0, the otl_long_string can hold a LOB of any type:

OTL 4.0 defines the following bind variable datatypes for manipulating LOBs:

Large Objects (LOBs) and NULLs

Behavior of LOBs is slightly different from the other table column datatypes as far as NULLs are concerned:

class otl_long_string{
     unsigned char* v;
     otl_long_string(const void* external_buffer,
                     const int buffer_size,
                     const int input_length=0
     void set_len(const int len=0);
     int len(void);
     unsigned char& operator[](int ndx);
}; // end of otl_long_string

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