OTL 4.0, STL-compliant output iterator

STL-compliant output iterator


Category: iterators Component type: type


otl_output_iterator is an Output Iterator that performs output of objects of type T to a particular otl_stream. Note that all of the restrictions of an Output Iterator must be obeyed, including the restrictions on the ordering of operator* and operator++ operations.


Defined in the OTL header file..

Template parameters

Parameter Description Default
T The type of object that will be written to the otl_stream. The set of value types of an otl_output_iterator consists of a single type, T.  

Model of

Output Iterator.

Type requirements

T must be a type such that otl_stream s;...; s << T is a valid expression.

Public base classes



Member Where defined Description
otl_output_iterator(otl_stream&) otl_output_iterator See below.
otl_output_iterator(const otl_output_iterator&) Output Iterator The copy constructor
otl_output_iterator& operator=(const otl_output_iterator&) Output Iterator The assignment operator
otl_output_iterator& operator=(const T&) Output Iterator Used to implement the Output Iterator requirement *i = t. [1]
otl_output_iterator& operator*() Output Iterator Used to implement the Output Iterator requirement *i = t. [1]
otl_output_iterator& operator++() Output Iterator Preincrement
otl_output_iterator& operator++(int) Output Iterator Postincrement
output_iterator_tag iterator_category(const otl_output_iterator&) iterator tags Returns the iterator's category.

New members

These members are not defined in the Output Iterator requirements, but are specific to otl_output_iterator.

Function Description
otl_output_iterator(otl_stream& s) Creates an otl_output_iterator such that assignment of t through it is equivalent to s << t.


[1] Note how assignment through an otl_output_iterator is implemented. In general, unary operator* must be defined so that it returns a proxy object, where the proxy object defines operator= to perform the output operation. In this case, for the sake of simplicity, the proxy object is the otl_output_iterator itself. That is, *i simply returns i, and *i = t is equivalent to i = t. You should not, however, rely on this behavior. It is an implementation detail, and it is not guaranteed to remain the same in future versions.

See also

otl_input_iterator, Output Iterator, Input Iterator.

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Copyright © 1996, 2001, Sergei Kuchin, email: skuchin@sprynet.com, kuchin@hotmail.com.

Permission to use, copy, modify and redistribute this document for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies.