OTL 4.0, Template otl_value<T>

Template otl_value<T>

This is an OTL template class which allows the user to create a derivative data container based upon the following scalar data types: int, unsigned, long, short, float, double, otl_datetime (OTL date&time container), std::string (STL string class).

The derivative container has built-in NULL indicator functionality, that is, the containter has a NULL indicator field in it and can carry over the NULL value from one operation to another.

For example, a value gets read from a SELECT statement into a otl_value<int> container, and, it is a NULL. Then, the same value gets written into an INSERT statement. The otl_value<int> container retains the NULL in its NULL indicator field, and the NULL gets carried over from the SELECT into the INSERT.

The otl_value<T> class can be activated with #define OTL_STL, or #define OTL_VALUE_TEMPLATE_ON.

template<class TData> 
class otl_value{
     TData v;
     bool ind;
     otl_value(); // default constructor

     otl_value(const otl_value<TData>& var); // copy constructor
     otl_value(const TData& var); // copy constructor
     otl_value(const otl_null& var); // copy constructor

     otl_value<TData>& operator=(const otl_value<TData>& var); //assignment operator
     otl_value<TData>& operator=(const TData& var); // assignment operator
     otl_value<TData>& operator=(const otl_null& var); // assignment operator

     bool is_null(void) const; // function which returns true if the otl_value is NULL

     void set_null(void); // function which sets the otl_value to NULL.
                          // This function duplicates the assignment 
                          // operator=(const otl_null&), and used only 
                          // when .v and/or .ind fields
                          // are used directly

     void set_non_null(void); // function which sets the otl_value to "non-NULL",
                              // and should be used only when .v and/or .ind fields
                              // are used directly.
}; // end of otl_value

Also, two global global template stream operators were overloaded for otl_value<T> and otl_stream's:
template <class TData>
otl_stream& operator<<(otl_stream& s, const otl_value<TData>& var);

template <class TData>
otl_stream& operator>>(otl_stream& s, otl_value<TData>& var);
These two template overloaded operators can be used in a combination with the otl_value<T> container. The operators carry over NULL values, if there are any.

Here's one more overloaded operator<< for writing otl_value<T>'s to std::ostream:

template <class TData> std::ostream&
operator<<(std::ostream& s, const otl_value<TData>& var);

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Copyright © 1996, 2001, Sergei Kuchin, email: skuchin@sprynet.com, kuchin@hotmail.com .

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