In file /home/eternity/Source/Eso/TimeSynchronizer/H/timesynch.h:

class TimeSynchronizer : public SixOffspring, public Debugable

This class is responsible for time synchronization


TimeSynchronizer < SixOffspring

TimeSynchronizer < Debugable


Err Init ()
Initiate some attributes and set timeout to begin synchronization

Sends requests to other Esos and set timeouts
Err TO_TimeToSynchronize ()
to begin of synchronization and running of synchronization
Err TS_Request (MsgField *dataField)
Responses to request for current time

Saves responses to table and then computes divergence from
Err TS_Response (MsgField *dataField)
current time. Informs when time is wrong.
Err TO_Response (MsgField *dataField)
Ends synchronization.


ID ts_id
identifier of synchronization
bool enableSynch
state if synchronization is running
int numberItem
number of responses saved in table
ESTime beginSynch
starting time of synchronization
Table* tbl
table for responses from other Esos
UniqueIDGenerator* idGen
persistent identifier of synchronization

void SetTimeOk (Scheduler *sch, bool state)
Sets state of time (if is ok or wrong)

Inherited from SixOffspring:

Public Methods

SixOffspring::SixOffspring(Six * aSix)



SixOffspring(Six *six)



Six* six
Pointer to Six.

Inherited from Debugable:

Public Methods

string* Debugable::CreateString(char *firstStr, int firstInt, int secondInt)
Debugable::Debugable(LogFile * debugLogFile)
int Debugable::SetDebugOptions(int newLogOptions)
void Debugable::SetLogFile(LogFile *aLogFile)
void Debugable::WriteString(LogLevel debugLevel, char * format, ...)


This class is responsible for time synchronization. Sends requests to other Esos, processes responses of other Esos and informs when time is wrong.

ID ts_id
identifier of synchronization

bool enableSynch
state if synchronization is running

int numberItem
number of responses saved in table

ESTime beginSynch
starting time of synchronization

Table* tbl
table for responses from other Esos

UniqueIDGenerator* idGen
persistent identifier of synchronization

void SetTimeOk(Scheduler *sch, bool state)
Sets state of time (if is ok or wrong)

Err Init()
Initiate some attributes and set timeout to begin synchronization

Sends requests to other Esos and set timeouts

Err TO_TimeToSynchronize()
to begin of synchronization and running of synchronization

Err TS_Request(MsgField *dataField)
Responses to request for current time

Saves responses to table and then computes divergence from

Err TS_Response(MsgField *dataField)
current time. Informs when time is wrong.

Err TO_Response(MsgField *dataField)
Ends synchronization.

This class has no child classes.
See Also:

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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